The Wall Street Journal Features UBM Live & InGo Partnership

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Click to read: Wall Street Journal: UBM Live and InGo Partner for Food Ingredient Europe
Georgina Smith, Head of Marketing, Food Ingredients Global at UBMi B.V., and Michael Barnett, InGo CEO, announced a new partnership using InGo to drive up attendance at UBM’s Fi Europe exhibition and conference to create added reach for the event – all by empowering attendees to make the event their own.

“We are excited to bring a proven big data solution from the States to Europe,” Georgina Smith said. “We share InGo’s vision of an empowered attendee base, and we are proud to have Fi Europe be the first European event with InGo integration.”

“InGo’s partnership with Fi Europe is an exciting chance to break into the global event market,” said Michael Barnett. “This partnership creates a strong foundation for InGo’s development as a global social marketing leader.”

“I am very excited that InGo’s integration with a European partner is just as fast as our American events,” said David Manley, InGo CTO. “This trans-Atlantic integration has been fast and easy, and we look forward to expanding events around the world, now more than ever before.”

Fi Europe takes place in just 4 weeks in Frankfurt, Germany, on the 19-21 November 2013. Over 27,000 Fi Europe registrants will have the opportunity to use InGo’s Service Platform.

InGo provides the Trade Show and Events industry with what they need: a way to use the immense power of the social network to grow events and make events more fun!

InGo allows social registrants to invite key people from their social networks to attend events. InGo’s software also allows you to see who in your social network has registered to attend an event, even as a visitor to the event’s home page.

We help our clients acquire new attendees, grow traffic and develop leads by creating communities. At an event powered by InGo, each and every attendee is given the tools they need to make the event experience their own.


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