Grow Your Events with Ease

When you empower your VIPs like speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, and even your attendees with InGo, they will grow your event through 10x more referrals. More ROI without the cost and friction of traditional marketing.

How InGo Works

InGo drives new registrations to your experiences by empowering your community to easily refer their network.

Sharing With

One Click

With InGo, your VIPs (your speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, attendees, and other participants can share your event with their network with one simple click.

SHow How Their Network is

Promoting Your Event

Your participants will be able to see the impact of their engagements through Leaderboards and can be incentivized to post more through Incentives.

Keep Your Audience


Send automated email reminders with personalized graphics and links with our VIPShare Emails. Customers double their referrals through our automated emails.

offer your participants

incentives to share

The right incentives drive 50% more advocacy on average with InGo.

See the difference ingo can make



Greenbuild was able to harness the natural energy and passion of its audience.



Gastech Singapore Achieved a Cost Per Acquisition of Under $5.00



InGo delivered thousands of new registrants, nearly all new, to the ICFF database.



ISC West added InGo to their social media strategy and grew their show with new, first-time attendees.

InGo Drives 10X MORE

referrals for your event

Our platform is designed to make the growth of your events easy by letting your attendees do it for you