How to Grow Events: Part 4

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Greetings from InGo,
This is the last of our four part series on using social marketing to grow events. If you joined us late, you can read the whole series below.

Event Growth

Before we start, InGo was just featured on this very subject on the industry-leading site: Social Media Explorer, in their piece entitled:

“Four Powerful Ways to Integrate Social Media into Your Event”

Turning to our design maestro, Svilen, who works with the marketing managers, digital and design professionals, as well as niche show organizers to make sure InGo integrates into and enhances the event’s website.

Hello, Svilen here. The challenge with modern day website design is how to balance what is an optimal user experience, with the need to allow for the reality of many different layouts.  Some event companies start with a theme; others build from scratch. Some stick with the 960 pixels “standard;” others don’t feel bound to that.

InGo’s focus is on developing flexible applications where every detail has been thought through, from size and style to spacing and typography, anticipating the customer’s desire to insert InGo into a variety of designs. (See below)

sizs spacing


To highlight this point, here are three very different events with three very different implementations.


Club Industry Show by Penton Media has a very active page, so InGo’s “Who’s In” uses a small footprint.


Club IndustryClub Industry 2



Kitchen and Bath International Show, a design show by Emerald Expositions, uses clean lines and InGo aligns exactly with the offset.





Event Tech Live, an event technology show, emphasizes the social aspect of the show and makes “Who’s In” a major element of their page.




As you can see, InGo easily adjust to fit each of the different layout.

Thanks for your time. We look forward to growing your event soon.

Svilen Kostadinov


Thanks for tuning in for our series!

-InGo’s Event Growth Team








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InGo was awarded a Top 100 Event Planning Blog Award by Feedspot.