Event Marketing on Pinterest

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This is a guest post written by evvnt.

Pinterest, the social network where users share content, links and products illustrated by attractive visuals, continues to be one of the most popular social media channels. Recent reports indicate that Pinterest is sending more referral traffic to websites than LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter or Youtube.

As with any popular social network, our first thought is, “how can we use it for event promotion?” Here are some tips on using Pinterest to promote events.

Decide if Pinterest can help attract the right attendees for your event.

Before you start using Pinterest for event marketing, you need to be sure this social network will help you reach the right customers. Here’s when Pinterest might work for you:

  • You’re trying to attract a female audience. 70% of Pinterest users are women – and an even higher percentage of Pinterest’s most active users are women. While more men are starting to use the site, Pinterest is still a bit of a girl’s club.
  • You’re trying to reach 25 – 44 year olds. Over 50% of Pinterest’s users are between 25 and 44.

Get the right promotional content.

To make Pinterest work for your event promotion, you need great photographs or videos of your events. Content work bests on Pinterest when it has a visual wow-factor. Here are some ideas.

  • Get a nice camera or professional photographer. The most popular images on Pinterest are glossy, high-res images, not photos taken on an iPhone.
  • Make sure your photos have a clear focus (i.e. don’t just Pin big group shots). Content works best when it is about a specific subject such as a great outfit, a cool dance move or a crazy lights display.
  • Add your logo, but make it non-intrusive. People don’t mind Pinning content that has a brand logo – as long as it doesn’t detract from the actual visual content.
  • Try Pinning videos – but make sure the still image that represents your video is still attractive and visually appealing as that is what will encourage people to watch.
  • Consider editing your images to include relevant quotations. Inspirational or funny quotes along with images are incredibly popular on Pinterest.

Think beyond your event to promote your brand.

If your aim is increasing brand awareness and driving visitors to your website, think about ways to go beyond simply crowd shots at your event and leverage some of Pinterest’s most popular subjects.

  • Recipes. ‘Recipe’ is one of the most popular tags on Pinterest. Can you take a series of photos of your host city’s classic menu items  and include the recipes for them in the comments of your post?
  • How-Tos. ‘How To’ pictures are also incredibly popular. Can you include a how-to for designing the most attractive booth, or a how-to for a great game you used to make your exhibit more engaging?
  • Quotes. Inspirational or funny quotations get spread like wildfire on Pinterest. Do you have any great quotes that might be relevant to your events that you could include on photos or on their own?

For all of your images, make sure you host them on your own website’s blog or photo albums. Then, install the Pin It button to your browser and Pin the images directly from your website – that means that the Pin on Pinterest will link back to your website. You’ll also want to include a description for each of your images that references your brand name as well.

evvnt can help you market your event on Pinterest! Sign up for a free account, submit your event once and let us promote it to the most relevant event listing sites in a click!

ABOUT EVVNT – evvnt enables people all over the world to fill their events utilising the most effective event listing sites on the web. Every minute, with little more than a click, more events and conferences appear in listings, in search engines and on mobile – discoverable by both category and location. With next to no effort customers of evvnt get better attendance; while consumers find events they previously had no idea existed. To date customers in 70 countries worldwide have submitted over 500,000 thousand event listings, created over 300,000 live links, and generated 1 million clicks to ticketing and registration pages. Learn more at www.evvnt.com


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