InGo is Shortlisted for IMEX/Event Manager Blog Start-Up Competition

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InGo is please to announce it is among only 10 start-ups shortlisted for the upcoming Event Start-Up Competition, hosted by IMEX and Event Manager Blog. InGo CEO Michael Barnett will go head-to-head with the 9 other event tech finalists in the live competition to take place on Tuesday, May 19 at IMEX in Frankfurt.

We are honored that our efforts to revolutionize the events industry with advocate marketing have been recognized by a competition designed specifically to “find and showcase the most innovative event technology start-ups.” We are looking forward to meeting all the Eventprofs and other start-ups in Frankfurt.

Will you be in Frankfurt? Let us know; we’d love to meet you!


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InGo was awarded a Top 100 Event Planning Blog Award by Feedspot.