InGo is Shortlisted For Another International Award

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Event Production Awards Name InGo as a Finalist for “Best Technology Provider”

InGo is pleased to announce that it has been named a finalist for an award at the upcoming Event Production Awards. This honor puts the final touches on a year that has been full of industry recognition for InGo.  These awards, which will be awarded the evening of 12 February 2016 at the Lancaster London Hotel, celebrate excellence amongst event organisers, production teams and suppliers within the events industry. 

Shortlisted for Best Technology Provider, InGo is being recognized for its revolutionary technology which changes the way events use social media to harness the power of advocate marketing. “We are excited at the chance to add another award to our shelf,” says Michael Barnett, InGo CEO. “But this nomination really belongs to our customers, whose use of our technology has achieved such amazing results.”

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InGo was awarded a Top 100 Event Planning Blog Award by Feedspot.