InGo Tagged As an Event Trend for 2016

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EventMB Includes InGo in 10 Event Trends for 2016 Report

On Tuesday, EventMB released one of it’s most popular annual reports, Event Trends for the upcoming year. Since 2010, they’ve been collecting the data from their research, including thousands of questionnaires from eventprofs and insights from their database of startups, and highlighting the trends that will have the biggest impact on your event and the event industry at large in the coming year.

The newest addition of their report is themed #backtotech, as more than ever eventprofs are investing in event technology as the way to jump their event planning and management hurdles. In fact, EventMB’s research shows that “94% of event professionals will invest in technology to increase engagement at events [and] 75% of event professionals with buy Apps to increase engagement.”

InGo is excited to be included in Trend #7: Social Ambassadors, as providing technology to enable eventprofs to increase engagement is central to what we do. We whole heartily agree with EventMBs claim that “Peer referral is one of the strongest drivers of event registration.” And InGo’s customers have proven the theory time and again by using InGo to enable organic referrals and thus growing their events. Check out our series of Joint Case Studies to see why InGo will be the the event trend to watch not only in 2016 but well into the future. 

You can read the full report from EventMB here.


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