InGo Highlighted as “Best Use of Technology”

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Info Salons Middle East & Turkey and ADIPEC Shortlisted by Middle East Event Awards for Use of InGo

InGo would like to congratulate our partner, Info Salons Group and customer, dmg::events, Global Energy, on being shortlisted for the 2016 Middle East Event Awards, for their use of InGo on the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC.) These innovative companies teamed up to seamlessly integrate InGo on the Info Salons platform to run a full Advocate Marketing campaign for ADIPEC, which resulted in over a million social impressions and engagements and contributing to its status as one of the most important and influential oil and gas events in the world.

“Though this is the ninth time we’ve been recognized by industry expert award panels, this is the sweetest win,” said Richard Sarbutts, Managing Director – EMEA. “It is very gratifying for our product to be recognized, but it is even more rewarding for it to be recognized because it had an impact our customer’s business. These companies have been innovation leaders in the industry and their results show it.”

Congratulations to Info Salons Group and dmg::events, on both their business successes and this industry recognition!   

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