5 Ways Attendees Miss Out When Not Using InGo

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When events grow in size, scope, and reputation, it’s common for organizers to lose a key component: personal connection. 

Recent studies report an increase in individuals who prefer in-person meetings and face-to-face encounters when developing professional relationships. At InGo, we facilitate personal connections between tradeshow and event attendees long before the shows even begin. These career advancing relationships, built in the lead up to events, have dramatically impacted attendee conversion to onsite, resulting in greater retention at future shows as well as significant growth in the show’s community.

Targeting and fulfilling the attendees’ needs to connect and engage with fellow professionals is a vital marketing tactic for any event organizer. InGo’s award-winning event marketing platform uses socially smart algorithms to empower event attendees through advocacy, yielding higher adoption rates and engagement than any other.

With InGo, you can keep up with technology and your attendees’ needs. Without InGo, your attendees miss out on five crucial experiences: 

1. Exposure Before Registration

A recent study revealed 74% of consumers regard word-of-mouth as a key element in their purchasing decision. InGo empowers attendees and exhibitors to advocate for your event through social media posts and email invites. These posts have the potential to reach millions, creating buzz around your show while exposing it to brand new demographics. Without InGo, millions miss out on the opportunity to encounter your event.

2. Connection During Registration

When events integrate with InGo, attendees are able to utilize their social media platforms during registration.

  • As they register, attendees are shown which network connections are also attending. This allows them to reach out and plan meetings, fostering excitement around your event.

  • With just one click, registrants and exhibitors can send invites to peers and customers who have not yet registered. These personalized invitations have a 90% open rate and drive 10x more click throughs than average marketing emails. 

  • Registrants are also prompted to seamlessly share your event on their social media pages, giving your show invaluable, front and center brand exposure.  

3. Retention After Registration

For many events, attendee interest is lost between registration and the event, resulting in no-shows. InGo is solving this billion dollar problem by facilitating and encouraging engagement before the show.

  • As the event draws near, attendees receive ‘Who’s In’ emails notifying them when their network connections register. This keeps registrants in-the-loop while inspiring them to schedule onsite meet ups and get deals done in person. 

  • Exhibitors are able to see which customers are attending, allowing a unique perspective on their customer base and the chance to reach out and build relationships. 

  • Registrants are given the opportunity to continue personally inviting their network connections and sharing your event to their social media pages.

4. Engagement During The Show

When an attendee knows your event will be full of familiar faces, they’re more likely to invest in the experience. Instead of wandering the floor and missing out on valuable opportunities, attendees intentionally seek out and secure career-defining connections.

Thanks to ‘Who’s In’ emails, attendees will be eager to meet new potential business partners, reconnect with old colleagues, and brainstorm with their peers. Attendees can also target and visit the booths they want to buy from or potentially work with. Exhibitors are likewise prepared to meet and close deals with important clients.

5. Commitment After The Show

By facilitating connections before and during the show, InGo helps create a sense of community that continues well after. Attendees and exhibitors who leave with new connections, business deals, and jobs are likely to return the following year, while spreading your show’s reputation for being professionally advantageous. 

Tap into the limitless value of your event’s community. Click here to try our demo.


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