6 Simple Tips for Attracting More Attendees Using LinkedIn

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Online networking is all about engaging with your digital community. LinkedIn is an especially powerful marketing tool for tapping into professional audiences and acquiring new registrants for your event. Follow these six simple, game changing tips to tap into the limitless potential of your event’s community on LinkedIn. 

Share photos from previous events 

Attendees want to know that your show will be worth their time and money. The easiest way to display your show’s value is through pictures. Use the photo feature on LinkedIn to regularly upload photos from last year’s show. Include photos of the most popular booths, overhead shots of the crowds, dynamic pictures of attendees engaging with each other, and photos of entertainment or any influential industry leaders who attended. Visually communicate that your show is an annual must-attend. 

Post about your exhibitors

Attendees often register based on the event’s exhibitors. Start regularly posting photos with bios of your top exhibitors. Describe who they are, what services they provide, or what products they sell. Just one eye-catching exhibitor could cause a domino-effect of attention, allowing you to tap into an entirely new demographic and acquire new registrants. 

Spotlight industry leaders 

Attendees want to be in the same room as influential people. Be sure to feature the impressive industry leaders who are speaking or presenting at your event. Spotlighting these successful individuals will draw in new registrants while also communicating the status of your event. Post a photo, bio, and a summary of what their talk will be on, as well as the time and date.

Set up a social sharing agreement

Most exhibitors and industry leaders are happy to promote your event to their audiences. This kind of cross-promotion is mutually beneficial as it allows both parties to gain connections from relevant industries. Set up a sharing agreement with your top exhibitors and industry leaders months in advance. In exchange for promoting your event, offer them VIP packages for friends and family or simply a flat rate for 3-5 posts that encourage their connections to attend your show. Be sure to request that they use your show’s hashtag and tag the show’s profile. Gaining access to their network could mean the difference in hundreds of new attendees.

Execute tagging giveaways

Giveaways are one of the easiest ways to gain exposure and new follows, which ultimately translates into new registrants. Collaborate with a few of your top booths to give away prizes throughout the year. To enter the giveaway, require that participants must follow both your event page, the collaborating exhibitor’s page, and tag 2-3 friends in the comments section. As new followers check out your page, they will learn more about your event and be inspired to register.

Integrate InGo into event registration

InGo makes it even easier by integrating social media platforms, like LinkedIn, into your event’s registration process. When attendees register via InGo, they’re able to see which of their network connections are also attending and can send personal invites to friends who are not. Registrants are also able to share your event to their page, allowing you to reach their entire network. Lastly, attendees are notified as new network connections register, further increasing engagement as the event approaches.

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