LinkedIn Helps Make Events Even More Engaging

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New design layout for group conversations makes it easy to advocate for an event

LinkedIn has always been about professionals engaging and sharing opportunities with their network. With the InGo LinkedIn API, users are already able to quickly and easily become Advocates for the events they go to, making the event fun and engaging because they get to enjoy it with their network. 

LinkedIn has just rolled out a new design layout for group invitations and chats that makes it even easier for users to share their excitement about an event and get their community to go with them. Now when a user invites multiple people in their network to an event and any of those people are also connected, a conversation is started for the whole group automatically. 
Users can see who in their network is also being invited to shows; 

See who in your network is being invited and talking about the events you are attending.

Chat with the group before, during and after the event; 

LI 5.png

And add others to the conversation or forward it to their contacts that might be interested.

Thanks LinkedIn! This is a genius feature, making your network even more social and engaging.


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