October Winners: InGo Awards

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If you are like most eventprofs, you spend a lot of your time putting out fires. But every so often, something goes better than planned. We have a crack team of developers and delivery experts working hard to make sure that InGo is one of the latter. 

But our team can’t do it on our own. We interface every day with some great eventprofs, registration companies and account managers. The great results you read about in our case studies are the direct result of InGo customers utilizing the product well.

We’d like to recognize these outstanding events and the people behind them in a monthly edition of the InGo Awards. Here’s our winners for October. 

Congratulations to this month’s winners! 

Best Campaign Kickoff

Gasinteract: dmg::events and WeClick Media

This award recognizes the team that had an outstanding kick-off to their InGo marketing campaign. With a quick install, clear call-to-action, and the LogIn and Social Widgets placed side-by-side and above the fold, look for Gasinteract to do well.

Lightning Installation

Business Travel IQ:  Centaur Live

This award recognizes the event with the fastest, best install we’ve seen this month. The Centaur team installed Business Travel IQ in under 30 minutes, with a smooth integration and no additional modifications needed. Great work!

Best Growth

PhotoPlus Conference + Expo:
Emerald and Experient

This award recognizes the event and registration team whose hard work paid off. Due to this team’s great event content, following of InGo best practices and a high power ranking, PhotoPlus is the top growing event in October. Congrats!


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InGo was awarded a Top 100 Event Planning Blog Award by Feedspot.