Investment Bankers to the Event Industry Tag InGo as an Innovative Event Marketing Solution

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As you know from the multiple case studies we published last year, Advocate Marketing is the best, most cost effective way to build engagement and attendance at an event.  We know it, our clients know it, and more and more the industry at large is recognizing us as the technology that is changing the way events are marketed. 

The latest indication of this recognition is from Sam Barthelme, Director of the Jordan Edmiston Group, Inc. (JEGI), the leading independent investment bank for the global media, information, marketing, software and tech-enabled services. In the JEGI January 2016 Update, dedicated to the changing landscape of events and event technology, Barthelme tags InGo as an innovative solution in event marketing. JEGI has advised more event and event technology transactions than any other investment, so these guys know events.

Why has this last year brought InGo and Advocate Marketing such a flood of recognition? Because we are speaking to the major pain points felt by event organizers across the globe: the decline in returns on traditional marketing channels combined with the increasing frustration in achieving measurable results on social media. 

Read the full JEGI Update here:


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