InGo and Reed Empower Thousands to Grow All Energy Australia

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InGo and Reed Empower Thousands to Grow All Energy Australia

Last October, Reed Exhibitions used InGo to draw in nearly 2,000 attendees to their All-Energy Australia exhibition. Using word-of-mouth marketing, InGo allows organizers to reach the most influential attendees in their industry.

Thanks to Glenne, an energy sector adviser who registered for the All-Energy Australia exhibition using InGo, Reed Exhibitions was able to reach Glenne’s most meaningful connections. InGo empowered over 1,716 clean energy leaders who then acquired 1,986 exhibition attendees.

“InGo builds a sense of community, a social presence, an awareness of who our influencers are, and ultimately increases attendance at our events.” — Ciaran O’Connell, Group Marketing Manager at Reed Exhibitions

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