Boost Your Social Post Engagement

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Advocate Marketing is a great tool to increase social engagement for your event, but how do you keep your event posts from getting lost in people’s news feeds? Follow these tips to optimize the effectiveness of your InGo posts. 

Note: Click on each image below to see more detailed descriptions of each tip.

1. Your Image

Your image is so important to getting noticed. It should be clean, colorful, and clear. 




ad:tech New Zealand did a great job with an eye-catching image.

  1. Your image should be brand specific and if possible include the dates of the event.
  2. Clean and simple images get the best response.
  3. If you can, incorporate a person into your image.
  4. Use bright colors. 






InGo images should be 1024×512 pixels. It is best if text can be centered on your image. 


2. Your Advocacy Text

Your advocacy text should proclaim what makes your event different and keep your audience in mind.


  1. Mention whatever sets your event apart. 
  2. Phrase things differently.
  3. Use special codes, contests, or giveaways to increase engagement.
  4. Keep your audience in mind: is this something they would want to share or just something you’d want to share?



BDNY mentioned what set their event apart. What makes YOUR event stand out? 





Use simple and personal advocacy text.


Because Twitter will sometimes remove your image, you want to make sure your text is simple and clear on its own.


Advocates do more than just grow an event; they reach millions of people in a trusted, personal way. Make sure to empower your advocates with posts that create the best engagement. 


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InGo was awarded a Top 100 Event Planning Blog Award by Feedspot.