Mark Your Calendars: Exhibitions Day

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Show The Exhibitions Industry Some Love…


Join the Exhibitions Day effort to receive recognition and to bring awareness to the $97 billion value of our thriving B2B industry!

Taking place June 4-5th both online and in Washington, D.C., exhibition industry leaders are meeting face-to-face with our nation’s political leaders and serving online as voices for the exhibitions community.

As the event industry’s leading community building platform, InGo will be empowering the effort by hosting the post-lobbying happy hour for the Exhibition Day attendees who participated in the day’s activities.

To register for the D.C. experience, click here.

To join the conversation online, click here.

Gathering at Bullfeathers in D.C., at 4pm, we will be announcing the top industry influencers and unveiling the latest community growth data analysis. This reception is available to Exhibition Day ticket-holders only..

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Use the #ExhibitionsDay hashtag on your social media platforms.


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InGo was awarded a Top 100 Event Planning Blog Award by Feedspot.