Introducing Our New Event Creation Experience

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At InGo, we understand the immense effort and dedication you pour into planning and executing your events. Our mission is to empower your amazing communities to help you grow your events. We are excited to make your job easier with a much improved event creation process and as of this week (July 25th, 2024), we have added even more exciting and easier to use features to the experience. 

What Our New Event Creation Features: 

  1. Fewer clicks to set up an event.
  2. Faster path to uploading your VIPs (speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, judges, etc)
  3. A better experience for your VIPs to share your event. 
  4. Easier to allow your colleagues to promote your event
  5. A more customizable VIPShare Notification Email experience
  6. Enhanced flexibility in scheduling your VIPShare Notification Emails

Here’s how to get started with our new event creation experience: 

1. Access the event creation flow by clicking the “Create Event” button in the admin panel.

2. Provide event details such as event name, community selection, event dates, event type, custom event type creation (if needed), expected participant numbers, and group selections.

3. Engage the internal team by selecting the “Employees” or “Colleagues” group to get a head start on value with InGo

4. Upload participants easily using the upload feature with the option to select to download our template or upload files directly

5. Customize the copy, graphics, look and feel of your VIPShare templates with our new bulk editor.

6. Select the social networks you want your Advocates to share their VIPShare posts on.

7. Customize even more components of the VIPShare Notification emails with our expanded “What You See is What You Get” editor.

8. Schedule your VIPShare Notification campaigns by group and send test emails to yourself and your team.

9. You’ll be navigated to the Event Summary Dashboard upon finalizing event creation, in the future there will be even more to support you!

Below is a video tutorial on how to set up your events with our new experience:

At InGo, we are committed to empowering event organizers like you with the tools and resources you need to see amazing growth. Get started today and experience the power of InGo’s reimagined event creation process. If you have any questions, please reach out to your account manager or email!

As we’ve mentioned, this is only the start. Stay tuned for more updates and innovations as we continue to shape the future of events together!


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