Streampoint, InGo, & IAEE Partnership Brings New Levels Of Connectivity At Expo! Expo!

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Last year, InGo, Streampoint Solutions, and IAEE partnered on Expo! Expo!, IAEE’s Annual Meeting & Exhibition, to further streamline the event registration process. 

The integration included notification alerts, which allowed Expo! Expo! registrants and exhibitors to see when their connections registered too. Attendees were also able to send targeted personal invites to their connections and share the event across their social media networks during the registration process. 

In the end, 25% of InGo registrants became advocates and over 50% promoted the event to their social network. These advocates had a network reach of nearly 200,000 and an average of over 15 connections also going to the event. These advocates ultimately influenced 81 people to register for Expo! Expo! 2018.  

“The InGo support team is one of the best teams that we’ve worked with. Their availability and response times were extremely prompt. They invested time in coming up with solutions that fit our software requirements and accommodated the needs of our clients at every step.”Samuel Dunsiger of Streampoint

This year, IAEE, Streampoint Solutions, and InGo are teaming up again to unlock the limitless value of the exhibitions community. Don’t miss the event of the year! Click here to register


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