The importance of event data security

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For event organizers, data can be one of their most valuable assets. From pre-registration through post-event polls or surveys, events are a great way to collect data that can offer a business valuable insights into how customers behave, what they think about a business’s offerings, and ways to improve future events. 

But with data collection comes the possibility of losing or having it stolen, which could be disastrous for you and your customers. A threat to sensitive event data not only endangers valuable information but also puts your company’s reputation on the line. A data breach could result in losing your attendees’ trust, discrediting your reputation, and more. With the frequency and gravity of data breaches seemingly on the rise and the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation law in 2018, the importance of data security has been top of mind for consumers and businesses alike. 

So how can your business make sure it’s keeping critical event data secure? Keep reading to learn more about a few strategies you can employ to keep you and your attendees safe.

Leverage Multi-Factor Authentication Tools

There are many platforms that require registrants to create an account with a username and password. While this does offer a baseline level of security, it may not be enough given the sophistication of cyberthreats and attacks. This is where you can make good use of authentication tools. Multi-factor authentication tools include elements such as security codes sent via text or email and can help prevent your attendees’ information from getting into the wrong hands. Here at InGo, we embed features like these into our platform to reassure our users that their information is safe.

You can also go a step further and offer a passwordless option. Instead of creating and entering a username and password, attendees can tap a button that creates an automated email that contains an encrypted keycode. Once the email is sent, the keycode gets processed and they’re automatically logged in. 

Stay Up-To-Date on Best Practices

Keeping your event data safe can be challenging given the ever-changing nature of cyberattacks, the tools used to fight them, and the regulatory environment. This is where you want to make sure you’re staying up-to-date on the latest best practices for event data security. Tech giants such as Google, IBM, and others often publish online resources that could prove helpful in staying relevant in this area. Additionally, there are a few organizational steps you can take to better manage your data security, such as:

  • Implementing a foundational privacy practice that includes processes, policies,and tools to manage data privacy and address breaches. 
  • Breaking down silos and aligning security and privacy teams to ensure collaboration and a coordinated response. Be sure to do this sooner rather than later as it will be difficult to manage this in the midst of a data breach.
  • Designate data security as a strategic priority, not an afterthought. Support from leadership for data security is one of the most important factors needed to ensure a robust security practice.

Choose the Right Third-Party App

“There’s an app for that” is a phrase we’ve all come to know, and there really is an app for just about everything, including event planning and organizing. If you’re using an app to streamline or assist with event planning and marketing, you’ll want to ensure that it includes robust security features. One of the biggest risks you run when organizing an event is having sensitive information get leaked. Even the most stringent data protection strategies can fail so it’s important that any third-party app you’re using has tactics and tools to do things like scramble data in the event it gets out. That way, you can mitigate any further damage by making the data unusable. 


It’s crucial that event planners and marketers do all they can to ensure the safety and privacy of their data. Failing to create and implement strategies that keep event data secure can result in damage to your business and reputation. Leveraging multi-factor authentication tools, keeping up with industry best practices, and using the right third-party app can all help keep your attendees’ sensitive information safe and secure.  

InGo is the #1 tool for event marketing and enables businesses to leverage their speakers, sponsors, and attendees to boost event attendance and success. Find out how you can increase attendance and engagement with our platform and schedule a demo today.


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