The Opportunity for Events Hidden in GDPR

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As limiting as it may seem, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation actually represents a hidden opportunity for event organizers. GDPR means show marketers no longer have the right to email or process potential attendee data without permission. While this protection may not be as exciting as lists of new potential attendees, there is an even greater opportunity for developing and building your event community.

The opportunity is to simultaneously respect your event community’s privacy while empowering them to inspire their contacts to also attend. The average person going to an event has dozens of valuable and relevant connections. These connections can be marketed in a way that is beneficial to both you and your attendees.  

How? By giving your advocates the tools, incentives, and recognition they want and need. This will ultimately allow them to do the work for you while developing their own professional influence. Here at InGo, it is our mission to empower attendees so they can engage in business relationships and attract their network connections to join your event community.

Our dependence on user trust is why InGo fully embraces the tenets of GDPR and shares in the commitment of respecting user data. At InGo, we believe in upholding user rights by processing data transparently and justly.

User rights consist of:

  1. The right to see your data.

  2. The right to modify your data.

  3. The right to have your data deleted.

  4. The right to have your data processed in a just and transparent manner.

Regarding transparency, everything InGo does requires an affirmative action on behalf of the member:

  • Social Registration requires clicking a social network.

  • Notifications and posting require providing the required permissions to the network.

  • Invites require selecting a specific person to invite.

We only take actions that are in the legitimate interests of the community members:

  • Helping them connect with their network.

  • Helping them show off their membership.

  • Helping them attract their most valuable connections to join.


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