New Partnership Introduces InGo to Music Festival Industry

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ARLINGTON, VA – Brian Griffith of the International Music Festival Conference (IMFCON) and Michael Barnett, CEO ofInGo have recently announced a new initiative for event growth. InGo will work closely with IMFCON to grow attendance and increase the Event’s value for attendees.
 “As the only annual conference and learning symposium focused on the music festival industry, IMFCON is eager to see the growth that will come out of this new partnership,” said Griffith. “This year’s Conference will feature many new topics and speakers, and so it is an exciting time for more industry professionals than ever to be introduced to the Event through InGo’s platform.”
 Barnett was equally excited about the announcement. “IMFCON is a unique event in that its Attendees are truly passionate about their industry,” he said. “At InGo, we strive to connect new Attendees with Events they will love. In addition to that, we give existing attendees the power to Advocate for their favorite Event, sending invites and generating thousands of impressions. IMFCON, with its active and enthusiastic follower base, is the perfect avenue for that kind of growth.”
 IMFCON is an international Event that provides resources and opportunities to some of the highest ranking professionals in the music festival industry. Now in its sixth year, the annual Conference boasts a wide variety of topics, from event technology and ticketing to volunteer training and concert safety. IMFCON is truly the only Event for professionals who want to learn about industry trends, understand the role of festivals in the music industry, and connect with other innovators.
InGo provides the Events industry with what it need most: the ability to grow traffic and attendance by enabling Advocates to easily bring their friends to the Events they love. At an event powered by InGo, each and every Attendee gets the tools needed to make the Event experience their own.

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