6 Companion Apps for Great Instagram #PhotoHacks

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6 Companion Apps

This is a guest post by Dean Ronnie of Conference Care.

My last guest post covered 6 Tips for Using Instagram to Promote Your Event. Tip No. 6 talked about the importance of embracing the Instagram companion apps to make your images stand out from the rest. After all, if your images don’t draw the eye, your strategy will fall flat. Here’s a list of some great apps to help you create stand-out Instagram photo hacks.


1. Cymera (Android, iOS) – Cymera provides you with lens options such as divided, fisheye and toy/lomo and editing features such as filter, brightening, whitening, vignette and more to help you create unique images.

2. VSCO Cam (Android, iOS) – VSCO Cam uses superior presets and innovative processing technology to give you a greater standard of image. It also allows you to view your image data including location, date, preset used, etc. to give you useful insights into what images worked.

3. Slow Shutter Cam (iOS) – Slow Shutter Cam will provide you with the kind of effects you thought would only be possible with a DSLR. Add new levels of creativity to your images with features like Motion Blur, which is akin to shutter priority mode, Light Trail, which allows you to ‘paint’ with light, and Low Light, which enables you to control how much light hits the sensor.


4. A Beautiful Mess (Android, iOS) – Breathe life into your images with A Beautiful Mess, which allows you to add a whole host of backgrounds, patterns, speech bubbles and typography to your images.

5. PicLab (Android, iOS) – If you want to add typography to your images, PicLab allows you to type directly onto your images with a range of beautiful fonts.


6. InstaSize (Android, iOS) – One of Instagram’s drawbacks is that it doesn’t allow you to post entire photos. However, InstaSize allows you to post an image of any size to Instagram. It also helps you create multi-image collages.

Author bio: Working on behalf of Conference Care in the UK, Dean Ronnie writes passionately on the subject of events and in particular, event technology. With a strong interest in technology, Dean is constantly investigating the ways in which technology can transform events and help us further engage our delegates.


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