What’s new in the InGo Software Suite?

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Our customers are our greatest source of inspiration when it comes to product updates, so when we hear great feedback, we love to make it a reality. You spoke; we listened! Our team has been hard at work, updating, improving and adding new features to our Advocate Marketing suite. 

Because Advocate Marketing begins with the Advocate, one of our biggest updates is focused on making the choice to advocate an easy one. Our widget now includes user feedback screens to confirm their Personal Invitations were sent and offer additional advocacy options. Here’s a peek at what this looks like.



We have added an invite confirmation popup so that your attendees can see when they’ve successfully sent an invite. They are also given a very clear call to action to invite more of their contacts to your event.  




When your attendees decide to personally invite a friend on Linkedin or Xing, they are now given the option of how they want to send their invitations. If they want to get a group together to attend, they can message everyone together. If they want to reach out to each contact separately, they can choose to send them individually.

When your attendees decide to personally invite a friend on Linkedin or Xing, they are now given the option of how they want to send their invitations. If they want to get a group together to attend, they can message everyone together. If they want to reach out to each contact separately, they can choose to send them individually.

These features increase the means, motive and opportunity Advocates have to spread your event across their networks, which is at the heart of what InGo does. But front end functionality is not all it takes to provide great software. Our development team has also made a series of technical enhancements to the product to amplify performance and increase speed! 

We are not stopping there. Stay tuned for more updates as we work to include more user feedback features for both organizers and attendees.


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InGo was awarded a Top 100 Event Planning Blog Award by Feedspot.