3 Essential Ways to Grow your Email Subscriber List

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By Chelsea Muller

Email marketing is an intuitive way to connect with customers, build relationships with them, and remind them of your marketing services. But, expanding your email list can seem daunting. People who are already on your list but don’t intend to buy can lose interest in your campaigns leading to lower ROI and lower customer engagement. You must keep your emails engaging, but that is not merely enough. Adding fresh subscribers is important for email marketing success. You can access your fair share of customers by cultivating your list.

Email marketing remains one of the cost-effective approaches to boosting your brand and attracting prospective customers, but you’ll have too many subscribers through email marketing strategy. We have compiled a few steps you can follow to grow your email list.

1. Content:

It is important to provide compelling and shareable content to your customers in order to grow your email list. Interesting content maintains your subscribers and also encourages them to forward your email. Engaging content must do the marketing for you. Visitors get incentives to subscribe with compelling content. For example, you can provide free webinars, online tools, or resources on your website as a reward for subscribing. Content sharing is not only beneficial for businesses but also for customers.  It is important to know about SEO guidelines to share flawless content and attract prospective customers.

2. Email Signature:

Whether you are indulged in B2B or B2C sales, you may have experienced that calls-to-action allow people to sign up for your email list from your employees’ email signatures. If you are running a B2B company, you will write several emails to potential customers alone! If you can create micro-version and add some text, a strong call-to-action, and visual content in your email signature, it will eliminate the hassle of writing hundreds of emails!  It is advisable to add a link in their email signature to subscribe to your company’s emails. This link must take users to a landing page where they can sign up for the email list.

3. Pop-Up Ads/Modals:

The pop-up form is sometimes called a “modal” and is the effective way to attract your visitors. Pop-up forms work well on your homepage and grow your subscriber list. You can add different pop-up forms into other sections of your homepage. Make sure that you highlight it in bold and color with a simple form. For each page, you can find numerous incentives as to why a user should sign up. For instance, if you handle an online retail site, you might want to know if visitor signed up from your sports or gardening. Add different forms on each section of your homepage so you can target content in a better way. Go deeper than one generic form for all pages, and don’t be afraid to get creative. Pop-up boxes are a perfect choice for numerous bloggers and marketers. Some websites have experienced a 1,375 percent increase in subscribers through pop-ads. Be sure to test different forms to determine which ones work well. You can analyze your Google Analytics reports to see how much time users spend on your website and incorporate it into your pop-up strategy. Also, check the average time spent on each page and then set your pop-up to display before users are about to leave your website.


It’s no secret that email list growth is an important part of email marketing. Depending on your business strategy, you may want to follow some email marketing list building strategies, test them and choose the ones that work well for you. You’ll notice business benefits by understanding the value of your email subscriber list. It is advisable to use it as part of your marketing for your business growth.


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