InGo Awards – July Winners

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At InGo headquarters in the US, July gave us some amazing displays of fireworks for Independence Day. Everyone here is celebrating summer, and we’d like to celebrate with our outstanding customers too. They all used InGo to spark amazing displays of social media buzz and event growth. Congrats to this month’s winners.

Best Kickoff Campaign

International Vision Expo West: Reed Exhibitions & CompuSystems

This award recognizes the team that had an outstanding kick-off to their InGo marketing campaign in July. This show features the Log In widget as the primary call-to-action, as well as the Social Widget on the home page and included throughout registration so you can always see “Who’s In.” We predict great results! 

Lightning Launch

Biofuels and Feedstocks + 3 Others: Argus Media & eventsforce

This award recognizes the event with the fastest, best install we saw in July. The teams at Argus Media and eventsforce work closely to install InGo on not one but four events quickly and easily. As a first time InGo user, the Argus Media team also gets the rookie of the year award!

Best Growth

SEMICON WEST: SEMI & Convention Data Services

This award recognizes the event and registration team whose hard work paid off. Due to this team’s great event content and InGo Advocate Marketing campaign, a high percentage of SEMICON WEST attendees became advocates for the show and made it the top growing event in July. Congrats! 


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InGo was awarded a Top 100 Event Planning Blog Award by Feedspot.