InGo’s Approach to Data Security

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Data is one of the most important assets for event organizers. Whether it’s pre-registration information or post-event polls and surveys, events offer a great opportunity to collect the data that enables businesses to gain valuable insights into how customers behave, what they think about a business’s offerings, and ways to improve future events. 

But with data collection comes the possibility of losing or having it stolen, which can be disastrous for a business and its customers. A threat to sensitive event data not only endangers valuable information but also puts a company’s reputation on the line. A data breach could result in losing your attendees’ trust, discrediting your reputation, and more. With the frequency and gravity of data breaches seemingly on the rise and the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation law in 2018, the importance of data security has been top of mind for consumers and businesses alike, including the team here at InGo. 

Data security is a mindset

At InGo, data security is something we think about all day, every day. We know it’s important to our customers so it’s become part of our daily and regular routine. Every time we develop a new feature (MyShare is just one of our newest) we include an assessment to make sure it doesn’t open up any new loopholes or inadvertently make us vulnerable to threats or attacks. And not only that, our customers conduct their own vetting process before they decide to work with us to make sure we’ll keep their data safe and secure. We’re lucky enough to work with some of the biggest and most influential event management and media companies who trust us and our processes to keep their information safe while we help them skyrocket their event attendance. In fact, we’ve consistently passed multiple security audits from our clients.

Keeping up with best practices

Not only do we have our own approach and protocols for ensuring our data is kept safe and secure (such as only storing personal identification information), we also stay on top of the latest industry best practices such as:

  • Not storing any more data than absolutely necessary
  • Using secure connections
  • Encrypting data in transit and at rest
  • Keeping data in secure cloud data storage
  • Making it easy for a user to be forgotten

There are a lot of laws and regulations – from individual states to international – that protect consumer data privacy and we know how important it is to keep up with them and make sure we stay compliant. From regulations like the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 and The General Data Protection Regulation, we always make sure we adhere to their guidelines and go above and beyond to follow them.

Looking ahead

We’re constantly innovating new features to help our clients solve their biggest event marketing challenges and the same goes for our data security. In the coming months we’ll be ISO 9001 certified which means we’ll meet the criteria for a quality management system – the gold standard for data security. We’re also improving our systems to ensure we can proactively address hacks when they happen, preventing a full-scale breach.  

At InGo we take our customers’ security seriously and are always working to improve. From adhering to industry best practices to constantly improving our own protocols, we know what it takes to keep data safe and secure.


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