Invites With New and Improved Suggestions

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Dear Event Industry Organizers,

We’ve been working hard to restore invitations ever since LinkedIn universally deactivated messaging for all of their partners, including InGo. The good news is that we are not only restoring invites, but enhancing them.

First, we have re-enabled suggested invites for networks which permit messages through their API. This includes Twitter and VK — it will look like this:

Screen Shot 2019-06-06 at 9.53.29 AM.png

We will also continue to provide your community members with the option to send invites by clicking through to Facebook’s interface or by entering an email address.

Screen Shot 2019-06-06 at 10.00.15 AM.png

Next week, we will enable suggested invites for connections with enhanced targeting for the top 10 million professionals in the world. Later in June, as a bonus for all of our patient customers, we will have an additional surprise professional network with new exciting functionality.


Michael Barnett, InGo Founder & CEO 


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