Updated InGo Reporting Dashboard

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Hi All,

You’ve asked for simpler reporting in our dashboard and we’re here to deliver. This July, when you log into the InGo Events dashboard, instead of seeing nine data points, we will narrow it down to the four most important…

  1. How many days out: We will keep your up-and-coming shows at the top.

  2. How many advocates: We will report how many members have engaged your community socially. If you see an orange dot, that means adoptions rates are below average.

  3. How many influenced acquisitions: To the right of the dashboard, we will show you how many people your advocates influenced and who then registered. An orange dot will alert you if click acquisitions are below average.

  4. How many clicks: Lastly, we will report on the amount of clicks from posts, invites, and notifications. We will indicate by color how your event compares to the average when you hover over each amount. When you click on a number, you’ll see a pie chart broken down by the source medium of those clicks: posts, invites, and notifications or broken down by the networks used such as LinkedIn, Google, Facebook, etc.

For a more detailed walk-through of our updated dashboard, watch the video below.


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