What’s New At InGo

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At InGo, we believe in the limitless value of your event community’s relationships. In 2019, we are improving and dramatically extending the community building experience by answering an attendees’ most important question:

“Which of my professional connections are also attending?”


Imagine your most valuable event community member who has hundreds of other industry leaders and buyers in her network — let’s call her Susan.

In the past, InGo empowered Susan to be an advocate for your event at registration. She would socially post an invite to her network, personally invite her most relevant connections, explore which of her connections were already registered, and make plans to reconnect with them.  

After registration, however, there were few ways to continue this connectivity and excitement. Attendees like Susan were not made aware when valuable connections later registered, leading to missed opportunities. 

We are excited to announce that InGo is continuing to empower attendees beyond registration with our new notification feature.


This game changing feature sends attendees custom emails, showing which of their most valuable connections have registered. This keeps them excited about your event and motivated to invite even more from their network while scheduling onsite meetups.

Now, your attendees will not miss out on an opportunity to connect and reconnect with fellow industry professionals, ultimately leading to meaningful interactions that advance your attendee’s career and the industry as a whole.

When registrants are given insights into the network connections who are also attending, they become excited to be advocates for your event — resulting in more registrants and buyers onsite.  Read more here.

In addition, InGo has also:

  1. Added more networks, so that members can use Google, VK, Twitter, and more. 

  2. Enhanced the experience for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

  3. Improved the email invitations experience.

  4. Updated reporting so that you can see whose advocacy was clicked on, how many clicks occurred, and who clicked and registered.

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InGo was awarded a Top 100 Event Planning Blog Award by Feedspot.