How to Plan and Market a Crypto Conference

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Cryptocurrency has exploded over the last few years, and many business leaders are wondering how to hitch their wagons to their skyrocketing popularity. And as it grabs headlines around the world, we’ve also seen an increase in the number of crypto-related events. As an event planner, you may be considering dipping your company’s toes into the world of crypto and planning an opportunity to facilitate the conversation around this growing technology. But you also may be wondering how best to design and execute a successful event. If this sounds like you, keep reading for our tips on how to turn your crypto conference idea into a reality.

  • Start with the right tools. Before you put on your thinking cap, you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right platforms to build and market your conference. Organizing a crypto conference has a lot of moving parts and a central control panel for all of your crypto event needs—from website, to social media, to registration, to event analytics—will make the whole process more effective and efficient. When you’re ready to start marketing your crypto event, turn to the InGo platform to help with your biggest marketing challenges and to drive attendees and engagement.
  • Retarget your contacts. If you have an existing database of email contacts, you can retarget them on other platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google. This can be an efficient and customizable way to reach potential attendees and keep a consistent value suggestion across multiple platforms. Leveraging your email contacts from all angles can end up being very beneficial in the end. 

  • Leverage SEO. Remember, given crypto’s popularity, your business is likely not the only one hosting an event and people’s calendars may be getting swamped with similar events. Therefore it’s critical that you fortify the organic search performance for your event.

    Consider the following tactics:
    • Link building: You can significantly improve your event website’s SEO if you include links back to reputable and relevant websites. Consider including a list of resources such as credible crypto publications and blogs on your event website. You can also ask them to feature your event in their next blog or somewhere on the website to capture the attention of their readers. 

    • Targeted keywords: Develop a keyword strategy by distilling the value or intent of your event into three to five keywords or phrases to use across your event website and in marketing messages. Spend some time thinking about the keywords you want your event to rank for and make sure they’re specific enough to differentiate your event from others. You may also want to conduct your own online searches to see how other events are marketed and what people are looking for in the crypto space. 

    • Google Search Console: You can sync your event website with the Google Search Console to optimize its SEO performance. Google Search Console is a free tool that can help maximize your site’s discoverability through a variety of features such as debugging pages, revealing opportunity keywords, and performance reports.

  • Develop a good PR strategy. Since crypto is such a hot topic, developing a PR strategy could be a great way to get your event some extra attention. Consider pitching a story that speaks to your event – and its role in the crypto industry – to a range of publications to see if they’d be willing to cover the event. You can also write a press release and use online tools to get it out to hundreds (or more) of publications that may be interested in attending your event and writing an article about it. Be sure to track metrics on whichever tactics you use to understand what worked and what didn’t so you can tailor your future efforts. 

  • Start marketing your next event. What better way to create buzz around an event than with a captive audience! Consider teasing your next crypto event at your current one to build excitement and interest in your audience that is obviously interested in this topic and would be likely to attend. 

Get your next crypto event on the books

The interest and excitement around cryptocurrency and its influence on our world is not going to die down anytime soon so adding a related event to your business strategy could be a smart move. By using the right tools, leverage SEO, retargeting your contacts, and more, you can ensure you design and execute a successful and relevant crypto currency.

And when you’re ready to market your crypto conference, reach out to InGo – the #1 tool for scalable professional referral marketing. With our platform, you can empower your speakers, sponsors, and attendees to influence others to attend your event. Contact us to learn more or schedule a demo.


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