How to Make Your Virtual Event a One-of-a-Kind

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Companies large and small are always on the lookout for ways to grow and improve their business. While there are many strategies that can help businesses achieve that goal, one that stands out is virtual events. With digital technologies and platforms that can connect people from around the world, virtual events have been incredibly effective at helping companies build communities, share information, and enhance their brand.

However, virtual events can be challenging to plan and it can be difficult to make yours stand out from the crowd – which has gotten even bigger during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many things to plan for, considerations to take into account, and new strategies to employ. But, we’ve put together a few tips to help make your virtual event one-of-a-kind. Keep reading to learn more! 

Plan for a virtual event, not a live one

When planning a unique virtual event, you might think you can simply take a live event experience and directly translate it into a virtual one. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. A virtual event is nothing like a live one, and there are some things that will not work as well in a virtual format. For instance, at a live event, you may have a keynote speaker along with an audience Q&A. While there are ways to recreate that for a virtual presentation, it will still be different and you’ll have to plan in different ways. You’ll want to make sure the platform you’re using allows for audience chat, assign someone to moderate those questions, and figure out how to deliver the questions to the speaker. You’ll have to consider how to effectively set up a virtual environment and use technology to facilitate that experience. 

Don’t focus only on the platform

To host your virtual event, you’ll be using some kind of digital platform, such as YouTube Live, Zoom, or Facebook live, to run it. Many of these platforms offer features such as live streaming, chat rooms, and breakout groups that you can utilize. However, don’t spend your time focusing only on the platform and its tools. You’ll still need to consider coaching your speakers, testing A/V equipment, rehearsing the run-of-show, and more to make sure your event goes smoothly. Remember, everything from your speakers to your streaming software will affect the quality and memorability of your event.

Design with the attendee’s experience in mind

One of the most important ways to make your event one-of-a-kind is to plan the experience around your audience’s wants and needs. While your event is about your company’s products or services, you have to ensure that the content is helpful and engaging for the attendees. Consider things like the tone of your event, how you want your audience to feel, the relationships you want to build among your community, and more. By keeping these elements at the forefront of your planning, you’ll be able to create an unforgettable and unique experience that will keep attendees coming back.


Throughout your virtual event planning efforts, remember the tips we’ve shared here. They will all help you create a compelling and exciting event for your audience, ensuring that your event will achieve whatever goals you have established. Remember that it’s still possible to create virtual events that will engage and excite your audience – you just have to plan and execute a little differently.

InGo is an online event marketing service that helps companies maximize their virtual event reach and attendance to ensure success. If you are looking to promote your event through virtual event marketing, contact us to learn how we can help.


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