Category: Event Marketing

Introducing Our New Event Creation Experience

Introducing Our New Event Creation Experience

At InGo, we understand the immense effort and dedication you pour into planning and executing your events. Our mission is to empower your amazing communities to help you grow your events. We are excited to make your job easier with a much improved event creation process and as of this week (July 25th, 2024), we […]

Why Event Marketers Need Referral Marketing

Why Event Marketers Need Referral Marketing

There is a million dollars of event growth connected to your current attendees. In order to unlock it, you need referral marketing. Why can referral marketing drive exponential growth for events? Because your future sponsors, exhibitors, and attendees are connected to your current event participants. Referral marketing has many benefits — it’s the most effective […]

Growing Your Events: What We’ve Released in Q1 2024

Growing Your Events: What We’ve Released in Q1 2024 InGo Q1 2024 Product Updates

Q1 of 2024 was an incredible quarter in large part thanks to Jordan Pazian our new Head of Product and we will be updating you every quarter on what has been released and what’s upcoming. At the start of this year, we launched a ton of new functionality to help you grow your events faster […]

Maximize Your Event Marketing Efforts with InGo’s Email Scheduling Feature

Maximize Your Event Marketing Efforts with InGo’s Email Scheduling Feature Event Marketing Emails with InGo

Are you maximizing the potential of your event marketing email efforts? You’re already harnessing the power of InGo’s referrals to drive growth. Now with InGo’s VIPShare emails you can double that growth rate by doubling the number of referrals and referral clicks. We’ll dive into how to utilize this and the myriad of benefits it […]

What If Your Event Community Marketed Itself? HLTH 2018

What If Your Event Community Marketed Itself? HLTH 2018

What if your event community marketed itself? Watch how HLTH, the largest conference for health innovation, reached nearly a million of their attendees’ connections thanks to InGo. By using world-of-mouth marketing, a method which is 2-3x more successful than standard marketing approaches, InGo empowers attendees and exhibitors to invite their most influential connections. When just […]

How to Create Community at Your Events

How to Create Community at Your Events

How to Create Community at Your Events Arriving at an event full of unfamiliar faces can be overwhelming. As our culture becomes increasingly dependent upon social media, the desire and need to seek out in-person interaction has changed. According to a 2018 study, which consisted of ten years’ worth of the American Time Use Surveys […]

The 10 Best Event Marketing Tools in 2018

The 10 Best Event Marketing Tools in 2018

2018 research from Eventbrite found that 57% of organizers planned to hold more events this year than in 2017. However, with more events being thrown, companies are going to have to get more creative with their event marketing to attract guests and stay ahead of the competition. We’ve ranked ten of the best tools to market your event.

How to Champion Business Branding at Events

How to Champion Business Branding at Events

For businesses looking to promote their brand, ethos and culture, events can be the platform they use to project their voice. Branding plays a pivotal role in events, and businesses put a lot of effort into nailing it ahead of the day. Whether that’s an eye-catching, custom exhibition stand or bespoke t-shirts for team members, branding speaks volumes at events and businesses will invest big to ensure attendees listen.